TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook
Page 139
Issue 10
4.2.1 Setting the Working Voltage Range Of the Instation Test Set
The power supply for the modem PCB and Instation Test Set Logic PCB is the
same type as used on the Instation PSU PCB. Refer to section for a
description of how to set the voltage range of this power supply.
Note. The voltage range of the PC used in the Instation Test Set should be
checked in the manufacturer's literature and note should be taken of any
links/switches that need setting for different voltage ranges.
4.2.2 TC12 Instation Test Set Software Installation
The Instation Test Set software is installed by Engineering at Poole before the
Test Set is shipped.
The software set up on the Instation Test Set PC should not be changed. If there
are operational reasons for changing the software set up, the UTC Software
Support Desk (01202 782440 or
) should be
consulted before making any changes.
4.2.3 Error Messages during Test Set Software Start Up
During start up the test set software checks that it can access all the items that it
needs. If any errors occur a message will be displayed which indicates the cause
of the error.
If the test set cannot access either of the two necessary serial ports, an error
message will be displayed in which the status number has the following
Serial Port Errors
Invalid Port
Contact engineering at Poole
Invalid Buffer Size
Contact engineering at Poole
-5 No
Port Not Set Up Correctly
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Port Is Already In Use
Re-boot PC
Port Required Could Not Be Found
Ensure machine is configured for
System faults
If the software fails to complete start up with the PC with error message "Internal
Stack Overflow". This can indicate that the hardware connected to the parallel port
is not powered correctly, i.e. the test set logic PCB.