2.19 Synchronization Function
SIPROTEC, 7SJ62/64, Manual
C53000-G1140-C207-2, Release date 01.2008
312 SYNC Function Groups
The 7SJ62 device is provided with only one synchronization function group. The 7SJ64 relay comprises 4 syn-
chronization function groups (SYNC function group 1 to 4) which each contain all setting parameters for one
synchronizer. This generally includes the switchgear component for which the synchronization settings are to
be applied.
However, several SYNC function groups may be used for one point of synchronization/switching object if syn-
chronismn is to be performed with different parameters. Allocation of switchgear component and SYNC func-
tion group must then be accomplished dynamically (whichever is the function group to operate with) via one of
the binary inputs from
„>25-1 act“
„>25-4 act“
If the assignment to the SYNC groups is clear, the binary inputs are not required.
Selecting one SYNC function group several times, causes output of error message (
„25 FG-Error“
). Interaction with Control, AR and External Control
With Control
Basically, the synchrocheck interacts with the device control. The switchgear component to be synchronized is
selected via a parameter. If an ON command is issued, the control takes into account that the switchgear com-
ponent requires synchronism. The control sends a measurement request (
„25 Measu. req.“
) to the synch-
rocheck which is then started. Having completed the check, the synchrocheck issues the release message
„25 CloseRelease“
) to which the control responds by terminating the switching operation positively or neg-
atively (see Figure 2-118).
Figure 2-118
Interaction of control and synchrocheck
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