PLC WorkShop for Simatic TI505
Viewing Charts
To view different time periods on a graph select one of the following
options under the View Menu:
Prev Page (<<), goes one complete time interval page into the
Prev Time (<), goes one time interval in to the past.
Next Time (>), goes one time interval into the future (cannot go
past current real time).
Next Page (>>), goes one time interval page into the future
(cannot go past current real time).
Graph End (>
), goes to the beginning real time data trending or
end of time period for logged data.
Zoom In, each time Zoom In is selected it cuts displayed time in
half starting from the middle time period. Effectively showing
more detail but not as much plotted graph.
Zoom Out, each time Zoom Out is selected it doubles the
displayed time starting from the middle time period. Effectively
showing less detail but more graph.
Reset Zoom, returns zoom to factory setting.
Toolbar items are also provided for all three features
Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo
Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo can be performed on trend text selection
boxes only. The menu items can be found under the main “Edit” menu
along with hot keys. Alternative hotkeys shift-delete, ctrl-insert, and
shift-insert are supported for Cut, Copy, and Paste respectively.
Cut, Copy, and Paste will observe highlighted text.
To print a graph, it must be the active graph displayed on the screen.
After displaying the graph, select Print from the File menu and press OK.