Simatic 505 SoftShop
8 - Analog Alarms
Low Process Variable Range
Enter the low value of the process variable in the Process Variable Range
You must specify the engineering values that correspond to the lower
range of the input span.
High Process Variable Range
Enter the high value of the process variable in the Process Variable
Range Field.
You must specify the engineering values that correspond to the upper
range of the input span.
Process Variable Bipolar
Select YES or NO to specify analog inputs as bipolar or not. Bipolar
inputs span have spans of -5 to 5 volts, or -10 to 10 volts.
20% Offset
Select No for no offset and Yes for 20% offset. A span of 0 to 5.0 volts
(0 to 20 milliamps) is referred to as a span of 0 to 100%. A span of 1 to
5.0 volts (4 to 20 milliamps) is referred to as a span of 20% to 100%
(20% offset on the process variable).
Square Root of Process Variable
Select Yes if the input for the process variable is from a device (such as
an orifice meter) that requires a square root calculation to determine the
correct value to use.
Monitor Low-Low/High-High
Select Yes to have the controller monitor the Low-Low/High-High
Alarm; otherwise, select No. The Low-Low/High-High can be entered as
values requiring critical action.
Monitor Low/High
Select Yes to have the controller monitor the Low/High Alarm;
otherwise, select No. The Low/High Alarm can be entered as values
requiring remedial action.
Process Variable Alarm Low-Low
Enter a real number in engineering units; must be less than or equal to
low alarm value, and greater than or equal to low range of Process
Process Variable Alarm Low
Enter a real number in engineering units; must be less than or equal to
high alarm value of Process Variable.
Process Variable Alarm High
Enter a real number in engineering units; must be less than or equal to
high-high alarm value of Process Variable.