Simatic 505 SoftShop
6 - Programming
Status mode is automatically exited when an attempt is made to
edit a network.
When the network is validated and entered, Status is
automatically displayed again.
Click Status on the Diagnostics menu to stop displaying status.
Initiating a Single Scan
Using a single scan allows you to view a single execution of your
program. You must have the controller in program mode in order to
execute a single scan.
To perform a single scan of your program, complete the following steps.
Place the controller in program mode.
Click Single Scan Setup on the Diagnostics menu (Alt+D, I).
The Single Scan Setup menu dialog box is displayed (Figure
6.12dd). If your programmable controller supports the Single
Scan pop-up task box for more than one task, you can select
which tasks to execute during the single scan.
Figure 6.12dd
Click in the task number radial box to include a task in the
scan., followed by clicking
saves the task box selection.
Click Single Scan on the Diagnostics menu (Alt+Q) to execute
a single scan according to the single scan task configuration.
RBC Part Number
You can display the RBC Software part number and release number
while online by:
Click PLC RBC Part Number from the PLC Utilities menu
(Alt+U, R).
The RBC software number(s) and release numbers are
displayed in the format shown in Figure 6.12b.
Click Close to exit the RBC Part Number box and return to the
active logic program.