List of figures
Reference contour field, shown in blue-green in this document.............................18
Warning field, shown in yellow or orange in this document.....................................19
10. Monitoring case 1 with field set 1............................................................................. 21
11. Monitoring case 2 with field set 2............................................................................. 21
12. Simultaneous monitoring........................................................................................... 22
13. Hazardous area protection: detection of the presence of a person in the hazard‐
14. Hazardous point protection: Hand detection............................................................ 23
15. Access protection: detection of a person when accessing a hazardous area........23
16. Mobile hazardous area protection: detection of a person when a vehicle
17. Prevent crawling beneath...........................................................................................26
18. Prevent stepping over.................................................................................................27
19. Unsecured areas.........................................................................................................28
20. Mounting with deflector plates (example).................................................................29
21. Mounting in an undercut (example).......................................................................... 29
22. Mounting in vehicle paneling (example)....................................................................30
23. Overrun of the protective field in front of an opening.............................................. 31
24. Tolerance band of the contour as reference field (protective field within the pro‐
tected opening, edge of the protected opening = reference contour).................... 32
25. Stationary application with horizontal scan plane for hazardous area protection.34
26. Protection against reaching over when mounted low (dimensions in mm)............ 37
27. Protection against reaching over when mounted high (dimensions in mm).......... 38
28. Scan plane at ankle height........................................................................................ 39
29. Scan plane at calf height........................................................................................... 39
30. Distance of the protective field from the wall...........................................................40
31. Stationary application in vertical operation for hazardous point protection.......... 41
32. Stationary application in vertical operation for access protection..........................45
33. Mobile application in horizontal operation for hazardous area protection.............48
34. flat-rate supplement ZF for lack of ground clearance.............................................. 49
35. Minimum supplement for lack of ground clearance................................................ 50
36. Stopping distance as a function of the vehicle’s speed...........................................51
37. Recommended fitting height..................................................................................... 53
38. Recommended fitting height for inverted mounting................................................ 53
39. Permissible guide tolerance of the industrial truck................................................. 55
40. Protective field in narrow aisle...................................................................................57
41. Dual-channel and separate connection of the OSSDs of an OSSD pair.................65
42. No potential difference between load and protective device.................................. 65
43. How the restart interlock works (1): no one in protective field, machine operates
44. How the restart interlock works (2): person detected in protective field, safety out‐
45. How the restart interlock works (3): person in hazardous area, no detection in pro‐
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | microScan3 Pro I/O
8025424/1ELL/2022-01-21 | SICK
Subject to change without notice