Recommended distance of the protective field from the wall.
Important information
Hazard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of
If the distance between the protective field and the wall is so large that a person can
stand in it, this person might not be detected. If needed, take suitable measures to
prevent this such as:
Attaching deflector plates
Attaching fence
Hazardous point protection
The safety laser scanner is mounted with a vertical scan plane in a stationary applica‐
tion, for example on a machine where the operator must stay close to the hazardous
point. A fixed barrier with a height of at least 1200 mm is located in front of the
hazardous point. The operator can reach over the barrier and through the scan plane
into the hazardous point. But the operator cannot climb over the barrier. If there is no
such barrier available, access protection may be required.
During hazardous point protection, the safety laser scanner detects a person’s hand or
other part of their body. The protective field is orthogonal to the direction of approach
of the body part. A resolution of 40 mm or finer is required to ensure detection of the
hand during hazardous point protection.
Figure 31: Stationary application in vertical operation for hazardous point protection
8025424/1ELL/2022-01-21 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | microScan3 Pro I/O
Subject to change without notice