If external device monitoring is activated, the safety laser scanner checks whether
voltage is applied at the external device monitoring (EDM) input after the OSSDs have
been switched off.
If no voltage is applied at the input after the OSSDs have been switched off, the safety
laser scanner changes to the locking state and does not switch the OSSDs back to the
ON state.
Signal level
For some non-safe output signals, you can select whether the signal is output with
HIGH or with LOW:
: The output is normally in LOW state. If the signal is active, the output
switches to HIGH state.
: The output is normally in HIGH state. If the signal is active, the output
switches to LOW state.
For dynamic inputs, you must specify for each incremental encoder how many pulses it
outputs per distance traveled.
For dynamic inputs, you must also specify the tolerance by which the measured speeds
of the two incremental encoders are allowed to deviate from one another, e.g., when
cornering. The value is given as a percentage of the higher of the two speeds (whether
forwards or backwards). In case of differences, the speed with the higher value is
always used. The tolerance is allowed to be exceeded for a certain period of time. The
safety laser scanner then switches the safety outputs to the OFF state.
The period of time depends on the vehicle speed:
Vehicle speed -10 cm/s … +10 cm/s: No shut-off, no matter how large the devia‐
tion between the measured speeds is.
Vehicle speed -30 cm/s … -10 cm/s or +10 cm/s … +30 cm/s: The tolerance is
allowed to be exceeded for a maximum of 60 seconds.
Vehicle speed ≤ -30 cm/s or ≥ +30 cm/s: The tolerance is allowed to be exceeded
for a maximum of 20 seconds.
Vehicle speed in the range ≤ -10 cm/s or ≥ +10 cm/s: Different directions of
rotation of the incremental encoders are tolerated for a maximum of 0.4 s.
Further topics
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | microScan3 Pro I/O
8025424/1ELL/2022-01-21 | SICK
Subject to change without notice