Electro-sensitive protective
An electro-sensitive protective device is a device or system of
devices for safety-related detection of people or parts of the body.
It is used to protect people from machines and facilities that pose
a risk of injury. It triggers the machine or facility to adopt a safe
state before a person is exposed to a hazardous situation.
Examples: Safety light curtain, safety laser scanner.
Electrostatic discharge
Electro-sensitive protective device
EtherNet/IP™ (EtherNet Industrial Protocol) is an Ethernet-based
network used in industrial automation.
EtherNet/IP™ implements the CIP™ (Common Industrial Protocol)
based on the Ethernet and TCP/IP protocol family.
EtherNet/IP™ with the CIP Safety™ protocol extension is also suit‐
able for safety-related data communication.
External device monitoring
The external device monitoring (EDM) monitors the status of down‐
stream contactors.
In order to use external device monitoring, positively guided con‐
tactors must be used to switch off the machine. If the auxiliary
contacts of the positively guided contactors are connected to the
external device monitoring, the external device monitoring checks
whether the contactors switch correctly when the OSSDs are
switched off.
Field set
A field set consists of one or more fields. The fields in a field set
are monitored simultaneously.
A field set can contain different field types, e.g., a protective field
and a warning field.
Hazardous area
Hazardous area is any space within and/or around machinery in
which a person can be exposed to a hazard. (ISO 12100)
Host-guest group
Up to 4 safety laser scanners connected to each other via EFI-pro
can be combined into a host-guest group.
A host-guest group is a logical connection of safety laser scanners,
i.e., the safety laser scanners do not have to be adjacent in the
network topology.
Only one device has the role of host in a host/guest group. All
other devices in a host/guest group have the role of guest.
The guest devices can use the local inputs of the host for monitor‐
ing case switching. The host can switch its local outputs based on
its own monitoring results as well as on the monitoring results of
the guest devices.
Incremental encoder
An incremental encoder generates electrical pulses proportional
to a movement. Various physical quantities can be derived from
these pulses, e.g. speed and distance covered.
Monitoring case
A monitoring case indicates the machine status to the sensor.
Generally, one field set is assigned to each monitoring case.
The sensor receives a defined signal for the current machine
status. When a signal change occurs, the sensor activates the
monitoring case and thereby the field set that is associated with
the new machine status.
Enhanced Function Interface-pro based on EtherNet/IP™ – CIP Safety™.
8025424/1ELL/2022-01-21 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | microScan3 Pro I/O
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