Manual revision 001
Section 2: Description of SBE 39
SBE 39
Section 2: Description of SBE 39plus-IM
This section describes the functions and features of the SBE 39
including specifications and dimensions, battery endurance, and mooring
System Description
The SBE 39
-IM is a high-accuracy temperature recorder (pressure
optional) with internal battery pack and non-volatile memory. It uses an
Inductive Modem (IM) to transmit data and receive commands over a plastic-
jacketed steel mooring cable (or other insulated conductor), using differential-
phase-shift-keyed (DPSK) telemetry. No electrical cables or connectors are
required. The 39
-IM’s built-in inductive coupler (split toroid) and cable
clamp provide easy and secure attachment to the mooring cable. Designed for
moorings and other long-duration, fixed-site deployments, 39
-IMs have
non-corroding plastic (600 meters) or titanium housings (10,500 meters).
The SBE 39
-IM retains the temperature sensor used in the SBE 39
Temperature Recorder. The 39
-IM’s thermistor has a long history of
exceptional accuracy and stability (typical drift is less than 0.002 °C per year).
Two temperature sensor configurations are offered:
Ruggedized model with the thermistor embedded in the titanium end cap
(time constant approximately 25 seconds).
(shown in photo) Model with external thermistor in a pressure-protected
sheath (time constant approximately 0.5 seconds) for use when fast
sampling is required.
The SBE 39
-IM is available with no pressure sensor, or with a strain-
gauge pressure sensor in the following ranges: 20, 100, 350, 600, 1000, 2000,
3500, and 7000 meters. Compensation of the temperature influence on
pressure offset and scale is performed by the SBE 39
-IM’s CPU.
Communicating with one or more 39
-IMs requires the use of a Sea-Bird
Inductive Modem Module (IMM) or Surface Inductive Modem (SIM). These
devices provide a standard serial interface between the user’s computer or
other controlling device and up to 100 SBE 39
-IMs (or other IM-
compatible instruments), coupled to a single cable. The user can communicate
with these devices via full-duplex RS-232C. Commands and data are
transmitted half-duplex between these devices and the 39
Commands can be sent to the 39
-IM to provide status display, data
acquisition setup, data retrieval, and diagnostic tests. User-selectable
operating modes include:
Polled sampling
– On command, the 39
-IM takes one sample and
transmits data.
Autonomous sampling
– At pre-programmed 5-second to 6-hour
intervals, the 39
-IM wakes up, samples, stores data in memory, and
powers off (enters quiescent state).
Combo sampling
– Autonomous sampling is in progress, and the IMM or
SIM can request the transmission of the last stored data.
Averaging sampling
– Autonomous sampling is in progress, and the
IMM or SIM can request the transmission of the average of the individual
data samples acquired since its last request.
For detailed information on
inductive modem systems, see
Application Note 92: Real-Time
Oceanography with Inductive
on our website.
Half-duplex communication is
at a time (i.e., you
cannot send commands and
receive data at the same time).
For example, if the IMM or SIM
commands a 39
-IM to upload
data, nothing else can be done
while the data is being sent – the
data upload cannot be stopped,
and commands cannot be sent to
other IM instruments on the line.
SBE 39plus-IM with
external thermistor