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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
uSe of reSPirATorS WiTh dAmAged
or Worn comPonenTS mAy reSulT in
A mAlfuncTion of The reSPirATor
Which could cAuSe SeriouS inJury
or deATh.
folloW The regulAr oPerATionAl in-
SPecTion Procedure exAcTly. if The
reSPirATor doeS noT oPerATe AS de-
Scribed or Any oTher oPerATionAl
mAlfuncTion iS noTed, do noT uSe The
reSPirATor. remove iT from Service
And TAg for rePAir by AuThoriZed
PerSonnel. fAilure To ProPerly in-
SPecT The reSPirATor mAy reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.
No attempt shall be made to replace components or to make adjust-
ments or repairs beyond the scope of this instruction manual without
proper training.
Clean and inspect the respirator after each use as follows:
1. Inspect the equipment for worn or aging rubber parts, worn or
frayed harness webbing or damaged components.
2. Remove the breathing regulator from the facepiece by pulling
back on the regulator retaining latch and rotating the regulator
3. Clean the respirator according to CLEANING THE RESPIRATOR
section of this instruction. The unit must be thoroughly dry before
4. Inspect the gasket on the breathing regulator that seals against
the facepiece for rips or damage that may break the seal.
5. Connect the breathing regulator to the facepiece and rotate until
it latches into place. Verify that the latch securely snaps into the
notch on the facepiece.
in this instruction manual.
8. Store the respirator in a cool dry area.
9. If any damage or deterioration is noted, remove respirator from
service and tag it for repair by authorized personnel.
PlAcing reSPirATorS in STorAge WiTh-
ouT Thoroughly drying Them mAy re-
SulT in corroSion or oTher dAmAge
Which could cAuSe A mAlfuncTion
of The reSPirATor. Such A mAlfunc-
Tion mAy reSulT in SeriouS inJury or
PlAcing reSPirATorS in STorAge WiTh-
ouT Thoroughly drying Them mAy
reSulT in reSiduAl moiSTure Which
mAy freeZe in cold TemPerATureS And
cAuSe A mAlfuncTion of The reSPirA-
Tor. Such A mAlfuncTion mAy reSulT
in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
STorAge of The reSPirATor
1. Check to ensure gasket is present between facepiece and mask-
mounted regulator and is not damaged.
2. Connect the regulator to the facepiece. With the red purge valve
in the 12 o’clock position, align the two flats of the outlet port with
corresponding flats in the facepiece port and insert. Rotate the
regulator counterclockwise (viewed from inside of facepiece) so
that the red purge valve knob is situated on the left side of the
facepiece. The lock tab on the mask-mounted regulator will lock
into the facepiece retainer with a “click.” If properly engaged, the
regulator will not rotate.
3. To reattach a breathing regulator equipped with a quick disconnect
to the respirator, see FIGURE 8.
4. Verify that the respirator is thoroughly dry before placing in stor-
5. Place the clean and dry facepiece in a sealable enclosure to
protect until next use. Store in a manner that will not distort the
face seals.
6. Place the respirator in the carrying case, protective container, or
in a suitable storage location.
7. If any damage or deterioration is noted, remove the respirator
from service and tag for repair.
folloW The regulAr oPerATionAl in-
SPecTion Procedure exAcTly. if The
reSPirATor doeS noT oPerATe AS de-
Scribed or Any oTher oPerATionAl
mAlfuncTion iS noTed, do noT uSe The
reSPirATor. remove iT from Service
And TAg for rePAir by AuThoriZed
PerSonnel. fAilure To ProPerly in-
SPecT The reSPirATor mAy reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.