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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
bATTery muST only be chAnged in An AreA
KnoWn To be nonflAmmAble. chAnging
The bATTery in A flAmmAble ATmoSPhere
mAy cAuSe An igniTion Which could re-
SulT in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
figure 5A
figure 5b
PluS And
in cover
elecTronic AlArm bATTery rePlAcemenT
The ELECTRONIC alarm requires a single 9 volt battery for operation.
The LOW BATTERY YELLOW light on the ELECTRONIC alarm will
appear when the battery must be replaced. When the LOW BATTERY
YELLOW light begins flashing, the battery has sufficient power to
continue normal operation for a period of time longer than the longest
duration cylinder that may be installed on the SKA-PAK AT. However,
after use of the respirator is terminated, the battery must be replaced
before respirator use is resumed. Once the LOW BATTERY YELLOW
light has been activated, the ELECTRONIC alarm will not initialize on
start-up with a depleted battery and the RED warning light will not op-
erate. Beyond a point, the YELLOW LIGHT will glow instead of flash.
Replace the battery as follows:
1. Verify that the cylinder valve is closed and open the purge valve
to relieve any pressure in the system. Close the purge valve.
2. Unscrew counterclockwise the single knurled screw on the cover
of the ELECTRONIC alarm housing.
3. Open the housing cover and pull the cover gasket away from the
cover to reveal the battery. See FIGURE 5A.
4. Remove the old battery by lifting the bottom first.
5. Replace with one of the following 9 volt batteries: Energizer
Alkaline No. 522 or EN22, Duracell Alkaline No. PC1604 or
MN1604, or for increased service life use Ultralife Lithium Bat-
tery No. U9VL.
Be sure battery is properly oriented with the + pole of the battery
(the smaller male snap connector) positioned against the battery
contact l as shown in FIGURE 5B. As soon as the battery
makes contact, the RED and YELLOW lights will flash alternately
as they do for the initialization sequence. IF THE BATTERY IS
6. With a fresh battery installed, fit the cover gasket back around
the inside of the cover.
7. Close the cover and thread the knurled screw clockwise back in
to secure the cover to the housing. Screw should be finger tight
with the cover fully closed and the gasket evenly compressed.
8. Test the operation of the ELECTRONIC alarm as outlined in
9. In the case of an inoperative or malfunctioning ELECTRONIC
alarm, respirator must be removed from service and sent to an
authorized service center for alarm repair or replacement.
use a respirator with an inoperative or malfunctioning ELEC-
TRONIC alarm.
regulArly inSPecT The SKA-PAK AT
reSPirATor including The elecTronic
AlArm AS deScribed in ThiS inSTruc-
Tion. verify ThAT The ProPer bATTer-
ieS Are uSed And ThAT There iS no
dAmAge To or modificATion of The
uniT ThAT Would imPAir The inTrinSic
SAfeTy. if The SKA-PAK AT iS uSed in An
exPloSive or flAmmAble ATmoSPhere,
fAilure To correcT condiTionS ThAT
mAy imPAir The inTrinSic SAfeTy of
The eQuiPmenT mAy leAd To A fire or
An exPloSion Which could reSulT in
SeriouS inJury or deATh.