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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
1. Perform a personal check of the Facepiece and Head Harness
and address any donning problems. OSHA standard 29 CFR
1910.134 requires teams of at least two people for situations
where this type of equipment is used. Have your partner help
you verify the facepiece is donned properly.
Possible problems include:
a) Head Harness Strap twisted,
b) Head Harness off-center or not flat against the head,
c) Head Harness too high on the head,
d) Hair or clothing in the face seal,
e) Faceseal rolled over inside the facepiece rather than flat against
the face
f) Facepiece is sitting too low on the face as evidenced by pres-
sure on the forehead or the facepiece making contact with the
throat area permitting a break in the seal.
The illustrations below depict the AV-3000 SureSeal, but similar
conditions can occur with the AV-2000 or AV-3000 facepiece as
If any donning problems are found, remove the facepiece and
re-don the facepiece correctly.
2. Proceed to BEGIN USE OF THE RESPIRATOR as instructed
if Any donning ProblemS Are found,
remove The fAcePiece And re-don
iT correcTly. uSe of An imProPerly
donned fAcePiece mAy leAd To exPo-
Sure To The hAZArdouS ATmoSPhere
Which could reSulT in SeriouS inJury
or deATh.
figure 21
donning ProblemS
heAd hArneSS
off cenTer
heAd hArneSS
Too high
fAce SeAl
rolled over
Too loW
uSe of reSPirATor
conTinued on nexT PAge...