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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
only oPen The Purge vAlve AS fAr AS
needed for free breAThing. if Purge
vAlve iS fully oPen, The Air cylinder
Will emPTy very QuicKly, PoSSibly
leSS ThAn 2 minuTeS, And mAy reSulT
in Sudden TerminATion of breAThing
Air Which could cAuSe SeriouS inJury
or deATh.
uSerS of ThiS reSPirATor muST be ful-
ly TrAined in The uSe of The reSPirA-
Tor under The condiTionS iT mAy hAve
To be uSed. fAilure To TrAin And/or
fAilure To PrAcTice WiTh The reSPirA-
Tor mAy reSulT in SeriouS inJury or
deATh during An emergency reQuir-
ing reSPirATory ProTecTion.
fAilure of The reSPirATor To SuPPly Air
during eScAPe
If air flow to the facepiece is interrupted while using the emergency
air supply from the cylinder:
1. Be certain that the facepiece fits the face tightly during inhala-
2. Check the cylinder air gauge and be certain the cylinder contains
air (gauge indicates above empty).
3. Be certain that the cylinder valve is fully open.
4. Open purge valve by rotating the purge valve knob in the coun-
terclockwise direction (pointer down) until air flow is sufficient for
do noT droP or drAg The fAcePiece
AfTer The Air SAver SWiTch hAS been
dePreSSed. An imPAcT To The regu-
lATor could reSTArT The Air floW
from The regulATor. The reSulTAnT
free floW of Air mAy AffecT The Air
SuPPly PreSSure And/or volume To
oTher uSerS on The SAme SuPPly SyS-
Tem Which could reSulT in SeriouS
inJury or deATh.
TerminATion of uSe
Exit from the area requiring respiratory protection is normally made by
retracing the path used during entry so that exit can be made while air
is supplied by the air supply system through the air supply hose.
After leaving the contaminated area and arriving in a safe, breath-
able atmosphere, doff the facepiece (i.e. remove the facepiece and
terminate respiratory protection) as follows:
1. Be certain that respiratory protection is no longer required.
2. Loosen the head harness straps by simultaneously lifting the
buckle release levers outward (away from the head) and pulling
them away from face. The buckle release levers are U- shaped
extensions of the facepiece buckle assemblies.
3. Depress the air-saver/donning switch fully and remove the face-
piece by pulling it up and over the head. If the facepiece is re-
moved before depressing the air-saver/donning switch or before
disconnecting the air supply hose from the airline connection hose,
there will be a constant flow of air from the facepiece. The user
must be aware that while the respirator free-flows the air supply
source pressure may drop significantly.
Close the air supply cylinder valve by pushing in on the cylinder
valve knob while turning clockwise.
Disconnect the air supply hose from the airline connection hose
and turn off the air supply system if not being used by others.
4. To resume use of the respirator, replace the air supply cylinder
with a "FULL" cylinder and repeat the procedures in the PREPARA-
as applicable.
5. To terminate use, remove the respirator from service and tag for
inspection and cleaning.
uSe of The reSPirATor
conTinued on nexT PAge...