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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
fAilure To ProPerly fiT The reSPirA-
Tor fAcePiece To The uSer mAy reSulT
in liTTle or no reSPirATory ProTec-
Tion And mAy exPoSe The WeArer To
SubSTAnceS Which cAn cAuSe SeriouS
inJury or deATh.
The breathing regulator is equipped with a VIBRALERT alarm which
warns the user with both sound and feel that the supplied-airline
pressure has been interrupted and that the reducer has automatically
transferred to the cylinder air supply. The ELECTRONIC alarm will
be actuated when the cylinder pressure drops below 90% (+/- 5%)
of full rating, whether caused by breathing down the cylinder or to
indicate a malfunction or leak in the cylinder supply system. The
ELECTRONIC alarm requires one 9V battery for operation. See the
The breathing regulator is also equipped with an air-saver/donning
switch to prevent rapid loss of air if the air supply is turned on before
donning the facepiece or if the facepiece is removed before discon-
necting the supply hose or before turning off the air supply. The
regulator is available with or without a quick disconnect fitting.
SCOTT full facepieces are available in a variety of styles and sizes.
The facepieces may be readily detached from the breathing regulator
to allow for the use of the best fitting and most comfortable size or
style facepiece for an individual user. Fit testing per OSHA Standard
29 CFR Part 1910 or ANSI Standard Z88.2 requires testing in the
negative pressure mode using equipment such as a Portacount®
Respirator Fit Tester. For this, SCOTT facepieces require use
of SCOTT Fit Test Adapter P/N 804057-01 or equivalent and appropri-
ate negative pressure testing equipment. Mask Seal Kit P/N 805655-
01 may also be required to attain a proper fit. Each size facepiece
may be equipped with a lens kit if the use of corrective spectacles
is required.
Several self-contained air cylinders are available for use with the
The airline air supply must be supplied with breathing air known to
be suitable for human respiration at a pressure of 80 psig to 115 psig
operation with a minimum flow rate of 200 liters per minute (lpm).
Airline connection hoses used during Type C supplied-air respirator
operation have one of five types of quick connect plugs and come
in single- or dual-plug versions. Dual plug versions provide a facil-
ity for transition between redundant air supply hoses. On both the
single and dual plug versions, a check valve in the pressure reducer
prevents air flow from the respirator when the air supply hose is not
in use or is disconnected from the respirator. On dual plug versions,
each plug is individually checked to prevent depletion of the air sup-
ply when one (or both) of the air supply hoses is disconnected from
the respirator or not in use.
Air supply hoses are available in several lengths. The maximum length
and maximum number of segments of air supply hose allowed varies
with the type of air supply hose. The air supply hoses and their limita-
tions are covered in Table 1 and Table 2 of this instruction sheet.
Kevlar is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours, Inc.
Plus is a registered trademark of TSI Incorporated
reSPirATorS ShAll noT be Worn When
condiTionS PrevenT A good fAce
To fAcePiece SeAl or A good SeAl
Around The noSe cuP. Such condi-
TionS mAy include, buT Are noT limiT-
ed To, groWTh of beArdS, SideburnS,
A SKull cAP ThAT ProJecTS under
The fAcePiece, or TemPle PieceS on
glASSeS. AlSo, The AbSence of one
or boTh denTureS cAn SeriouSly ef-
fecT The fiT of The fAcePiece. uSe
of The reSPirATor WiThouT A good
fAce To fAcePiece SeAl or A good
SeAl Around The noSe cuP SeAl mAy
reduce The durATion of uSe And/or
exPoSe The uSer To The ATmoSPhere
The reSPirATor iS inTended To Pro-
TecT AgAinST reSulTing in SeriouS
inJury or deATh.
generAl deScriPTion
conTinued on nexT PAge...
The uSe of Air SuPPly hoSe oTher
ThAn ThoSe SPecificAlly inTended for
uSe WiTh The reSPirATor or The uSe
of lengThS exceeding The mAximum
lengThS SPecified mAy reduce The
AbiliTy of The reSPirATor To SuPPly
Air And mAy exPoSe The uSer To The
hAZArdouS ATmoSPhere Which mAy
reSulT in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
uSe only breAThing Air KnoWn To be
SuiTAble for humAn reSPirATion. The
uSe of "Tool Air," "inSTrumenT Air,"
or Any Air SuPPly noT SPecificAlly
inTended for humAn breAThing cAn
reSulT in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
if uSe of A hoSe in The WorK AreA
Will creATe A hAZArd, do noT uSe ThiS
reSPirATor. mAKe WhATever chAngeS
Are neceSSAry for SAfeTy, Such AS
SelecTing An APProPriATe reSPirA-
Tor. fAilure To conSider All PoS-
Sible circumSTAnceS in The uSe of
ThiS eQuiPmenT mAy reSulT in SeriouS
inJury or deATh.