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P/N 595189-01 Rev A 4/10
cloSe The Purge vAlve When noT in
uSe. fAilure To cloSe The Purge vAlve
Will emPTy The Self-conTAined Air
SuPPly in A very ShorT Time, PoSSibly
leSS ThAn 2 minuTeS Which Will re-
duce The durATion of uSe And could
reSulT in circumSTAnceS ThAT could
cAuSe SeriouS inJury or deATh.
fAilure To checK engAgemenT of The
couPling AS deScribed mAy leAd To
hoSe SePArATion And loSS of breATh-
ing Air reSulTing in SeriouS inJury
or deATh.
figure 8
Pull Sleeve
PuSh Plug in
4. Inspect the airline connection hose for cuts or damage. Check that
it is installed tightly into the pressure reducing regulator at one
end and that the plug is free from dirt accumulations at the other
end; check both plugs on dual airline connection hoses. Clean as
required. Care must be taken to remove any dirt accumulations
or obstructions from the plug without allowing them to enter the
airline connection hose. Inspect the body and plugs at the end of
dual airline connection hoses for damage and ensure the plugs
are threaded tightly into the body. Inspect the dust cap on dual
airline connection hoses for damage and install it on one of the
5. Inspect the air supply hose segments for cuts and signs of contami-
nation. Check the end fittings of the hose for dirt accumulations or
obstructions. Clean the fittings as required. Care must be taken
to remove any dirt accumulations or obstructions from the fittings
without allowing them to enter the air supply hose.
6. Inspect the hose assembly that connects the pressure reducer to
the breathing regulator. Be sure that the hose is undamaged and
connected tightly to the pressure reducer.
7. If the hose to the facepiece mounted breathing regulator is
equipped with a quick disconnect check that the quick discon-
nect is engaged properly. See FIGURE 8. The quick disconnect
operates as follows:
a) While pushing the plug “A” into the socket, pull the locking sleeve
“B” back toward the guard. The plug “A” will separate.
b) To reconnect, push plug “A” into socket until the locking sleeve
“B” pops forward. Test for proper engagement by tugging on the
8. Check that the breathing regulator purge valve (red knob on regu-
lator) is closed (knob turned fully clockwise and pointer on knob
9. Inspect the breathing regulator for exterior damage. Verify that
the breathing regulator is clean.
10. Check that the breathing regulator is installed properly into the
facepiece. The retaining latch on the breathing regulator (located
opposite the purge valve) shall be engaged with the notch on the
right hand side of the facepiece as worn.
Proceed to
dirT or foreign mATeriAl in The
Airline hoSe or connecTion Plug
mAy cAuSe PArTiAl or comPleTe
fAilure of The reSPirATor in hoSe
line oPerATion or in Self-conTAined
oPerATion. fAilure To inSPecT The
Airline connecTion could reSulT
in SeriouS inJury or deATh.
regulAr oPerATionAl inSPecTion
conTinued on nexT PAge...