User manual SCAIME:
Most of functions set to logical inputs can also be sent by ‘
functional commands
’; for a precise description s
ee §
‘functional commands’.
None :
the input has no function
Tare :
rising (positive logic) or a falling edge (negative logic) causes a tare function to be triggered .
Cancel tare :
a rising (positive logic) or a falling edge (negative logic) causes the current stored tare to be
Zero :
a rising (positive logic) or a falling edge (negative logic) causes a zero function to be triggered.
Transmit measurement
: only available in CANopen® and SCMBus/fast SCMBus protocols and in
transmitter mode only. A rising (positive logic) or a falling edge (negative logic) triggers a measurement
Continuous transmit measurement
: only available in SCMBus/fast SCMBus protocols. Measurements are
continuously transmitted at a rate defined by the
measurement transmission period
parameter while the
input is maintained at the chosen level.
Dynamic zero
: this input activation will cause
to perform zero function. This zeroing acquisition is
not conditioned by stability criterion and consists in a moving average of measures during an adjustable
dynamic zero acquisition time
. The new current zero is not stored permanently and can be
canceled by a reset of the module.
Start/Stop refilling :
this command operates on front in a bistable functioning mode. In dosing mode, the
first rising or falling edge (according to the configured logic) on this input causes a refilling procedure. The
second one will stop it.
Start/Stop emptying hopper :
this command operates on front in a bistable functioning mode. In dosing
mode, the first rising or falling edge (according to the configured logic) on this input causes an emptying
procedure. The second one will stop it.
Start/Stop dosing :
this command operates on front in a bistable functioning mode. In dosing mode, the
first rising or falling edge (according to the configured logic) on this input starts dosing. The second one
stops it.
Suspend/Resume batch :
this command operates on front in a bistable functioning mode. In dosing mode,
the first rising or falling edge (according to the configured logic) on this input suspends the batch. The
second one resumes it.
Emergency stop :
a rising (positive logic) or a falling edge (negative logic) triggers an emergency stop which
immediately stops the dosing, the totalization and eventually the refilling.
Reset totalization and dosing error counter :
a rising (positive logic) or a falling edge (negative logic)
triggers the main totalizer reset. Both parts of the totalizer, the main in
weight unit
x1000 and the
complementary part in
weight unit
are then reset.
errors counter
variable is also reset.
Sensor input control :
a rising (positive logic) or a falling edge (negative logic) triggers a test routine of the
sensor input and produces a test result.
Analog output (IO+ version)
An optional analog board in
might be used with
to provide IO+ version. This must be asked
when ordering
Voltage output might be set either 0-5V or 0-10V, and the current output to 4-20mA, 0-24mA , 0-20mA or 4-20mA
with alarm at 3.6mA. Both output (current and voltage) might separately be enable. Settings are effective after
Analog output affectation function is common to both
output and might be assigned to