Double Sheet Detector R1000 series UDK20
B0048991 / Rev. 1.3
System description
ROLAND ELECTRONIC GmbH · Otto-Maurer-Str. 17 · DE 75210 Keltern · Phone +49 (0)7236-9392-0 · Fax +49 (0)7236-9392-33
The preset values (TO=120% resp. TU=80%) should only be changed under the following aspects:
1. The 1-sheet range becomes restricted, since the measuring values are very stable. Thus the
process security increases. The restriction can be done by decreasing the TO value, by
increasing the TU value, or both.
2. The 1-sheet range becomes extended for a time. Thus the process security decreases. Such an
action should only be performed in exceptional cases, the user has to decide about that.
Extending the 1-sheet range is commonly considered due to mechanical problems (air gap,
uneven sheets). This measure prevents the machine from standstill, until the mechanical
problem is solved.
“Zero adjust“
Before commissioning a new system, after having exchanged a sensor or a sensor cable or a
control unit, a zero adjust must be performed. This zero adjust eliminates the variation of the
sensors. The sensors can be zero adjusted “separately“ or “all in one stroke“.
The zero adjustment is valid for all programs!
Initiates a Teach-In via keyboard. Teach-In is required for NF material and – partially – also for FE
material. Depending on status and material the items “ok“/“missing“/“on“/“without“ can be selected.
The value “ok“ indicates that a Teach-In has been successfully performed.
The value “missing“ indicates that a Teach-In is required and was not yet performed.
This item does not appear for “Material“ setting “FE“.
The value “on“ indicates that a Teach-In is currently being performed.
The value “without“ indicates that a Teach-In is not necessarily required.
This item appears only for “Material“ setting “FE“.
Pos: 23 /Doppelblech/Geräte/UDK20/3 Systembeschreibung/Anwendungsbeispiele @ 1\mod_1306753436313_501.doc @ 9294 @ 2 @ 1