Double Sheet Detector R1000 series UDK20
B0048991 / Rev. 1.3
ROLAND ELECTRONIC GmbH · Otto-Maurer-Str. 17 · DE 75210 Keltern · Phone +49 (0)7236-9392-0 · Fax +49 (0)7236-9392-33
In the measuring mode, the measured value is shown on the display. The comparison of the
measured value with the adjusted thresholds is done automatically by the control unit. The result is
transmitted via the interface to the PLC and also to the front panel LED's.
During the normal measurement process no further actions on the control units are necessary with
the following few exceptions.
The following situations require action directly at the control unit:
Clear fault and error messages (see to chapter 9. “Fault messages, causes and remedies“)
Teaching of new types of metal and sheet metal thicknesses
(see section 7.6 “Configuration of program parameters“)
Clearing a 2-sheet condition (in preparation)
The following notes for measuring operations should be observed:
If the measured value fluctuates and deviates substantially from nominal
value during normal operation then an air gap between sensor and sheet
surface is the most likely cause. A renewed Teach-In cannot solve this
With non-ferrous materials (e.g. aluminium) changes in the electrical
conductivity can occur requiring a Teach-In.
Do not adjust the upper limit (“up“) above 120 %.
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