Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead, create future together!
Screw drive
E.g.1:Driver nameplate 1 E.g.2:Driver nameplate
Motor nameplate/
stepper angle=1.8
Stepper angle is the data of motor, means the angle of motor rotating for a single step.
Driver subdivision is set in the driver.
In E.g.1, Pulse/rev is Pulses per revolution of stepper motor, so that the user only needs to select
a relative value according to the actual dial code. For example: If user choose 3200 Pulse/rev,
indicates (360 °/stepper angle)* Driver subdivision=3200.
In E.g.2, the MSTEP means subdivision number. So, if the stepper angle is 1.8°, selected
subdivision is 16, then (360 °/stepper angle)* subdivision=(360°/1.8)*16=3200.
The use should use correct computational method according to the actural marks of stepper
motor driver nameplate.
Screw pitch (above picture): The distance that the nut moves when the ball screw makes one
Transmission ratio: The reduction rate or angular velocity ratio of the front drive sprocket to the
end driven wheel.
Rack drive
Straight teeth