Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead, create future together!
the same time press number button(1-8), then release together, the system will start processing
from the breakpoint.
For example: You want to start processing from the breakpoint 1, then you should use the
combination button “
” + “1”, system will restore processing from breakpoint 1. The
screen shows below
Including 6705 lines of G codes.
Press “
”for reviewing, afterwards it shows the break line number
”prompts the processing information list, user can modify according to real
needs, then press“
”, the system will restore running at that point.
If user needs to go
backwards from the breakpoint, press “
”, the screen shows as below
The total line number of file code
Enter the new line number that needs to be rolled back
Input the line number which need to be go back to, and then press“
”,the screen
shows as below,
Break List
Line NO. 48
Input NO:
File has 6705
Line NO. 30