2461Type C User Manual
Racal Instruments
Programming The Type C Function Card 4-19
These commands configure the 2461 TYPE C to make
single-shot measurements of the time interval between:
(1) An event occurring at the Channel 1 input and a later
event at the channel 2 input (using separate input channels).
(2) An event occurring at the Channel 2 input and a later
event at the channel 1 input (using separate input channels).
(3) Two events occurring at the channel 1 input (using a
common input channel).
The channel specified selects the input channel for the
beginning of the interval.
The trigger slopes for the start and stop can be either
positive or negative.
Note that the arming of the stop circuit can be delayed for a
time set by the operator. This prevents the measurement
interval being stopped prematurely by spurious pulses, such
as those caused by contact bounce. Refer to the
SENSe:TINTerval:DELAy:STATe for a description.
The ARRay commands program the counter for multiple
measurements as specified by the <array size> parameter.
The optional <expected value> and <resolution> parameters
are used to derive the required number of digits of resolution.
Their units are seconds. The actual resolution derived by the
2461 TYPE C is determined by both the input signal and the
resolution set.
*RST Resolution = 8
Array size = 1
Configures the 2461 TYPE C to make a time interval
measurement between an event on channel 2 and a
following event on channel 1 (assuming that separate input
channels are being used).
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