1260-00C User Manual
Installation Instructions 2-4
port, and through Word Serial Protocol communication. Separate
programmable local command response modes can be used for
interactive and control program operation.
The 1260-00C can run software modules called Code Instruments
or CIs that perform special functions in the VXIbus environment.
Typical applications of CIs include:
Translating and interpreting command language
Creating virtual (hierarchical) instrument
Implementing Message-Based interface for Register-Based
devices and non-VXI devices
CIs can be implemented in three forms:
As part of the Racal-Dana-supplied firmware (Resident CIs,
or RCIs)
As user-developed downloadable object code (Downloaded
CIs, or DCIs)
As user-add-on firmware (EPROMed CIs, or ECIs)
For more information about CI capabilities and applications, see
Appendix A, Code Instrument Overview.
Front Panel
The 1260-00C has the following front panel features:
Five Front Panel LEDs
SYSFAIL LED reflects the status of the backplane SYSFAIL*
signal and indicates that a VXIbus device in the system has
FAILED, TEST, and ON LINE LEDs indicate the current
status of the 1260-00C.
ACCESS LED indicates when the 1260-00C is accessed from
GPIB or VXIbus, or when its MODID is asserted.
Five Front Panel Connectors
GPIB interface
Serial port
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