Published: 18.07.2019
10 (63)
2.8 Indicator lights
2.8.1 WBU indicator lights
The indicator lights indicate the device status.
The light is on when the supply voltage is connected.
Produal MyTool
is connected to the device.
2x 5 s
2x 5 s
All transmitters are online and working.
3x 5 s
3x 5 s
At least one transmitter is offline.
4x 5 s
4x 5 s
The network is not configured.
Room unit
The light is not in use.
The light indicates the communication in the
The light indicates that PUMP expansions are connected to the control unit.
Indicates the push of the connection button.
2.8.2 WTR indicator lights
The indicator light indicates the device status. The indicator light is active during the first hour after
connecting the power supply, or after the transmitter has lost connection to the network, or after the
device has booted.
Produal Oy | Keltakalliontie 18, FI 48770 Kotka, Finland | tel. +358 10 219 9100 | fax. +358 5 230 9210 | [email protected]
Information is subject to change without prior notice.
EN - 5401comm