Polycom Web
Office Release Notes Version 7.0.1
Properties - Dialing Settings
window opens.
Select the dialing settings, as detailed in Table 13.
Table 13: Properties - Dialing Settings options
All participants call the
conference (dial-in)
Select this option to require all video participants in the Buddy
list to call the conference. You can modify the dialing mode
from the Conference Organizer.
Let the system decide
who calls
Select this option to let the system determine the best way to
connect the video participant. When this is selected, Polycom
endpoints automatically identified by the system (ViaVideo,
ViewStation, VSX family and Web
Office Video Plug-in) are
instructed to call (dial-in) the conference. If the endpoint is not
recognized, the system will call (dial-out) the endpoint.
All participants call the
conference (dial-in)
Select this option to require all audio participants in the Buddy
list to call the conference. You can modify the dialing mode
from the Conference Organizer.
The conference calls
all participants
Select this option to require the conference to call all audio
participants in the Buddy list. You can modify the dialing mode
from the Conference Organizer.