Apply the rain repellent coating
Each new windshield and cockpit side window is supplied with rain repellent applied. This
application procedure is applicable to windshields only. If the operator thinks it is
necessary, this procedure can be used on the cockpit side windows
The conditions that follow are applicable to all rain repellent application procedures:
Ambient temperature must be between 41 and 68 °F (5 and 30 °C)
Protect the windshield from direct sun light, rain, snow and all other sources of possible
Sufficient ventilation is necessary to remove all airborne solvent vapor
Make sure the windshield heating is off and surfaces are not hot.
If the aircraft has MPG windshields fitted do
Apply rain repellent coating to the MPG
If the aircraft has PPG windshields fitted do
Apply rain repellent coating to the PPG
Section 2 - Aircraft Servicing
Ground Servicing Guide
Report No: 02484
Issue date: Nov 30, 2020
Page 2-4-6