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© Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by
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translated to other languages without the prior written consent of Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.
In connection with the use of this document, Pilatus does not provide any express or implied
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The Ground Servicing Guide (GSG) contains the recommended information for Fixed Base
Operators (FBO) when servicing the PC-24 aircraft.
The GSG is written under the assumption that the users of this guide have had previous multi-
engine jet aircraft experience and are familiar with basic jet aircraft systems common to aircraft
of this type. Therefore, this document does not contain basic information that is considered
prerequisite training.
It is the responsibility of the aircraft owner and the operator to make sure all servicing is done
by qualified servicing personnel.
This GSG is not an authority approved document.
The pilot in command is responsible to make sure that the servicing procedures have been
carried out correctly.
The purpose of the GSG is to provide FBOs with the information necessary to perform
essential servicing and assumes that the servicing personnel are not type rated but have a
good knowledge and skill level of aircraft systems.
The GSG provides the flight crew of the aircraft with a general guidance of requirements for
FBO servicing. This is a requirement during the handling and servicing of the aircraft while
away from their normal operating base / station. All servicing tasks must be guided by and
supervised by the flight crew.
Included in the GSG are procedures designed to increase the level of dispatch capability. In all
cases, the goal of the material presented is to allow further dispatch of the aircraft to its next
destination in a safe and efficient manner.
Section 0 - Introduction
Ground Servicing Guide
Report No: 02484
Issue date: May 13, 2020
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