Rain Repellent Type
Recommended Inspection Interval
Surface Seal Quick Application Kit DSS4200
1 month / 50 flight hours
Pilatus aircraft recommends to check the windshield rain repellent on a regular basis.
Based on the operational environment and experience the interval can be adjusted to
more or less frequent, until an effective interval can be set.
Check the condition of the rain repellent coating
Make sure the windshield is clean as given in
. Clean with
Isopropanol and paper wipes. Wipe windshield fully dry with clean paper wipes.
Spray the windshield with Deionized water).
If the water “beads up” in even sized droplets and runs off the windshield in straight clear
lines or contain only little droplets, the condition of the rain repellent coating is
satisfactory. Refer to
If the water “beads up” in randomly sized droplets, appears patchy, and the run off lines
are curved and contain large droplets then it is necessary to reapply the rain repellent
coating. Refer to
Figure 2-4-1: Windshields - Rain repellent (good condition)
Section 2 - Aircraft Servicing
Ground Servicing Guide
Report No: 02484
Issue date: Nov 30, 2020
Page 2-4-4