Pilatus Part Number
Polishing slurry
Local supply
Master kit, Surfex 100 (MPG windshields)
Local supply
Surface activation concentrate / surface preparation
Local supply
Surface Seal DSS4040 (PPG windshields)
Local supply
Surface Seal Quick Application Kit DSS4200 (PPG
Local supply
500 ml Spray bottle
Local supply
Buffing solvent
Local supply
Paper wipes
Local supply
Felt pads (PPG windshields)
Local supply
Gauze pads
Local supply
Applicator pads (PPG windshields, quick application
Local supply
Coating solution / rain repellent
Local supply
Orbital sander (PPG windshields)
Local supply
Windshield label (MPG windshields)
Local supply
Heat Blankets (PPG windshield)
Local supply
Protective film (PPG windshields)
Local supply
Heat blankets (PPG windshields)
Local supply
VAC power supply
Local supply
Cleaning Guidelines
The cockpit windows, consisting of the windshields and side windows, incorporate an
outer glass surface with antistatic coating and rain repellent treatment. The inside consists
of a acrylic surface. The cabin windows outer and inner surface incorporate acrylic
surfaces. The following procedures consider the constrains for each of these surfaces.
These procedures give guidelines for cleaning the exterior and interior surfaces of the cockpit
and cabin windows.
Section 2 - Aircraft Servicing
Ground Servicing Guide
Report No: 02484
Issue date: Nov 30, 2020
Page 2-4-2