Deicing / Anti-icing the Wings, Stabilizers and Fuselage
Deicing / anti-icing can be done as a one or two step process. Step one is to deice the
aircraft and step two, if necessary, is to anti-ice the aircraft before takeoff.
The one step process applies heated deicing fluid to remove contamination and also provide
some anti-icing protection.
The two step process first applies the heated deicing fluid to remove contamination. The
second step applies the anti-icing fluid to the critical surfaces. The second step must be done
before refreezing occurs.
shows the areas essential for deicing and
spraying anti-icing fluid.
Manually remove all contamination from the aircraft structure.
If there is ice accumulation present in the control surface cavities, spray deicing fluid from
the top of the wing.
Deice the stabilizers surfaces in a similar manner to the wing.
The area adjacent to the elevator balance horns and the horizontal stabilizer should be
thoroughly inspected.
Deice the fuselage from the top centerline then outboard and downwards.
If necessary, use type I deicing fluid to aid the removal of the contamination. Apply the
deicing fluid:
In an even layer
With the spray direction from the front to the rear
Symmetrically on both sides of the aircraft
Start on the left wing, from the leading edge tip then inboard and rearward
On the stabilizers, from the leading edge tip then inboard and rearward
On the right wing, from the leading edge tip then inboard and rearward
On the fuselage, from the top centerline then outboard.
Remove any deicing fluid from the windshield and nose area in front of the windshield.
If necessary, apply the anti-icing fluid:
In an even layer
With the spray direction from the front to the rear
Symmetrically on both sides of the aircraft
Start on the left wing, from the leading edge tip then inboard and rearward
On the stabilizers, from the leading edge tip then inboard and rearward
On the right wing, from the leading edge tip then inboard and rearward.
Section 2 - Aircraft Servicing
Ground Servicing Guide
Report No: 02484
Issue date: May 13, 2020
Page 2-8-7