Chapter 4 Software index
C37 PID update time (s): 00.0 - 02.5
C37: the refresh time of the PID output command.
Note: PID function is used in flow control, external fan wind volume control, and temperature
control. See flow control diagram below.
In PID mode select, AIN on TM2 is the PID feedback signal (Set F15=018.)
The PID command (set point) is selected by parameter F05 (selections 000 & 001).
This value is stored in F28.
PID sleep mode requires setting all functions below
C30=001~004(PID Enable)
F15=018(AIN is PID feedback signal)
F28=PID preset frequency
C38 sleep start frequency, unit: Hz
C39 PID sleep delay time, unit: Sec
When PID output frequency becomes lower than the PID sleep start frequency (C38) for
a period of time (C39),then the inverter output will decelerate to zero speed(Sleep mode).
When the PID output frequency becomes higher than the sleep start frequency (C38), the
inverter output accelerates to PID output frequency (Wake mode). Refer to figure 4-17.
C38 PID Sleep start frequency (Hz) 00.0~200Hz
C39 PID Sleep delay time (sec) 00.0~25.5sec
Figure 4-16 PID flow control diagram