Chapter 4 Software index
F11~F15=006: Emergency Stop (E.S)
The inverter will decelerate to stop by C12 setting on receiving the external emergency stop signal
regardless of F09 setting.
The display will be blinking with “E.S”.
The inverter will only start again when the Emergency Stop signal is removed and the start signal is
turned off and then on again (remote start mode) or the Run key is pressed (keypad mode).
Removing the Emergency Stop signal before the inverter has fully stopped will not inhibit the
Emergency Stop operation.
Output relay can be set to Emergency. Stop fault by setting F21=008
Base Block (b.b.)
The inverter will stop immediately on receiving the Base Block signal regardless of the setting of
F09 and blink “b.b”. The inverter will auto restart at speed search when the Base Block signal is
F11~F15=008: Switching to 2nd acceleration/ deceleration time
When the external terminal is ON it selects the 2nd acceleration/ deceleration time. (see
parameters C11,C12)
F11~F15=009: Reset command
When the reset command ON, the inverter will be disabled. Reset table faults will be cleared.
F11~F15=010/011: UP / DOWN function:
(Controlled by acceleration/deceleration times)
Set F05=003,
to enable the UP/DOWN function. Note: the UP/DOWN key on the Keypad is
unavailable for changing frequency directly.
Set C40=000,
When UP/DOWN terminal is ON, the inverter begins acceleration/deceleration to a
frequency and stops acceleration/ deceleration when the UP/ DOWN signal has been released. The
drive continues to run at the most recent set speed.
The inverter will decelerate to stop or free run to stop when the run command is OFF according to
F09. The speed at which the inverter stops will be stored in F28.
NOTE: UP/DOWN key is now unavailable for modifying frequency. It should be modified by setting
Parameter F28.
Set C40=001,
The inverter will run from 0Hz on receiving run command.
UP/DOWN action is similar to the above description. When the run command is released, the inverter
will decelerate to stop or free run to stop ( 0 Hz) according to the setting of F09.
The inverter will output from 0Hz in next operation.
Note: UP/ DOWN commands are disabled if both terminals are ON at the same time.
F11~F15=012: Control signal switch
External control terminal OFF: operation signal/ frequency signal is controlled by F04/F05.
External control terminal ON: Operation signal/frequency signal is controlled by Keypad display.
F11~F15=013: Communication mode select.
External control terminal OFF
: in communication, the inverter is controlled by master (PC or PLC)
run/ frequency signal and allows parameter modification. The Keypad and TM2 run/frequency
signal is not available for inverter at this time. The keypad is only available for display of voltage/
current/ frequency and read parameters but cannot modify them. It is also available for emergency
External control terminal ON
: PC/PLC can read and modify parameters. BUT all controls are
from the keypad. (Not affected by settings of F04 & F05).
F11~F15=014: Acceleration/deceleration Disable.
When the external control terminal ON, the inverter will stop acceleration/ deceleration will the
signal is released. The motion is as follows: