Chapter 4 Software index
C30 =1: D is the deviation of PID error in the unit time (C34).
=2: D is the deviation of feedback value in the unit time (C34).
=3: D is the deviation of PID error in the unit time (C34). If the deviation is positive, the
output frequency decreases, and vice versa.
=4: D is the deviation of feedback value in unit time (C34).When the deviation is positive, the
frequency decreases, and vice versa.
C31 PID error gain : 0.00 - 10.0
C31 is PID error gain, that is feedback value = feedback value × C31.
C32 P: Proportional gain : 0.00 - 10.0
C32: Proportional gain for P control.
C33 I: Integral time (s) : 00.0 - 100
C33: Integral time for I control
C34 D: Differential time (s) : 0.00 - 10.0
C34: Differential time for D control.
C35 PID offset 000: Positive direction
001: Negative direction
C36 PID offset adjust (%) : 000 ~ 109%
PID operation result can be adjusted by C36 (C35 effects the polarity of C36).
C30 PID operation mode
000: PID Function disabled.
001: PID Control, Deviation is derivative controlled
002: PID Control, Feedback is derivative controlled.
003: Same as 001 but (reverse characteristics control).
004: Same as 002 but (reverse characteristics control).