Parker EME
I11 T11: Positioning via digital I/Os
192-120101 N11 C3I11T11 November 2007
Due to its high functionality, the Positioning version of Compax3 forms an ideal
basis for many applications in high-performance motion automation.
Up to 31 motion profiles (target position, speed, acceleration, retardation, jerk) can
be programmed with the PC software. Positioning is triggered either via the parallel
interface (digital inputs) as single positioning or as positioning sequence. For the
positioning sequence the following motion profile is triggered by each START. The
number of repetitions can be specified for each motion profile.
High-performance control technology and openness for various sender systems
are fundamental requirements for a fast and high-quality automation of movement.
High-performance control technology and openness for various sender systems
are fundamental requirements for a fast and high-quality automation of movement.
The structure and size of the device are of considerable importance. High-quality
electronics are a fundamental requirement for the particularly small and compact
form of the Compax3 devices. All connectors are located on the front of the
Partly ingegrated mains filters permit connection of motor cables up to a certain
length without requiring additional measures. EMC compatibility is within the limits
set by EN 61800-3, Class A. The Compax3 is CE-conform.
The intuitive user interface familiar from many applications, together with the
oscilloscope function, wizards and online help, simplifies making and modifying
settings via the PC.
The optional
Operator control module (BDM01/01
(see page 284)) for
Compax3S makes it possible to exchange devices quickly without requiring a PC.
Operating modes
You can select between two operating modes:
Absolute mode or
Continuous mode
Furthermore, you can activate the functions JOG+ and JOG- via a set-up mode.
Configuration is made on a PC using the Compax3 ServoManager.
General proceeding
(see page 77)
2. Compax3 I11 T11: Positioning via
digital I/Os
Compax3 control
Model / standards /
auxiliary material