A l a r m s – D e f i n i t i o n
F i e l d D a t a
Unique record ID assigned by MPU955A Admin Console as an alarm is added, in order to
identify the alarm to the system.
MPU955A Admin Console automatically generates this number in consecutive order. Upon
adding alarms, the system will automatically assign the next available number.
Component ID and sequence ID numbers are used primarily in the permission tabs to identify one
component or sequence from another in row and column style. Since logical and local numbers
are not necessarily unique or consecutive, and the permission grids must be displayed as
consecutive, unique numbers, MPU955A Admin Console generates these ID numbers. 1 to
Unique number assigned by an NSS administrator. An operator will view alarms by this logical
number. 1 to 99999.
Level that determines an order of precedence between alarms. Alarm priorities work in
conjunction with the operator priority and determine the order of precedence between alarms and
operators. (Smaller number has higher priority) 0 to 65534.
Defines whether or not an alarm is enabled. Check the box to enable the specific alarm.
Auto Arm
If checked, the specified alarm will automatically re-arm itself after being acknowledged
Allow Disarm
If checked, operator will be allowed to disarm the specified alarm.
One State
If checked, the specified alarm, once triggered, will not be monitored for its return from the
triggered state.
This is useful when you are only concerned that the alarm was triggered, but do not need to know
the duration of the triggered state.
An alarm set for One State can be reset even if the alarm condition still exists. Without this
option checked, if an alarm is triggered and you attempt to reset it, it will continuously trigger
again until the triggered state has ended.
Output Port:
If checked, the indicated output port will be turned ON when this alarm is active.
If not checked, the indicated output port will be turned OFF when the alarm is active.
Enter an output port number to specify which port will be turned ON or OFF when the alarm is
If no output port action is required when the alarm is active, uncheck and leave the output port
number blank.
If checked, the indicated output port will be turned ON when this alarm is acknowledged.
If not checked, the indicated output port will be turned OFF when the alarm is acknowledged.
Enter an output port number to specify which port will be enabled when the alarm is
If no output port action is required when the alarm is acknowledged, uncheck and leave the
output port number blank.
If checked, the indicated output port will be turned ON when this alarm is reset.
If not checked, the indicated output port will be turned OFF when the alarm is reset.
Enter an output port number to specify which port will be enabled when the alarm is reset.
If no output port action is required when the alarm is reset, uncheck and leave the output port
number blank.
Identifies the source of the specified alarm, camera (motion detection), or I/O (external source
connected to an alarm input card), RS232 (external source connected to an RS232 port), Vid Loss
(any) (detects video loss from any port in the system), or Vid Loss (cam) (detects video loss only
from the single specified camera).
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