MPU955A Admin Console configuration is a three-step process:
Mark copies of drawings of the facility under surveillance.
Fill in the appropriate worksheets provided at the end of this manual. (This will
result in a survey of all the components in your system, and how they interact
with one another.)
Enter the values collected on the worksheets into MPU955A Admin Console.
(The values entered determine the operation of the Network Security System
(NSS) in complete detail by creating relationships among all of the components,
including the users.)
Once existing copies of the facility’s drawings are marked, there is a basis for assigning
logical or area/local numbers, titles, and practical names for the various components of
the surveillance system. With this information, you can then continue with the
MPU955A Admin Console worksheet tasks indicated below.
Worksheet Tasks
The MPU955A Admin Console worksheets aid in the collection and organization of
information needed to configure the NSS. One person can complete all of the worksheets
in a smaller system, but to speed up any installation, consider assigning a team of several
individuals to complete different worksheets concurrently.
Perhaps the surveillance system you are working with is small enough for you to collect
the required information, and input those values directly on to the MPU955A Admin
Console screens.
However, if the system is more complex, it is best to gather and write down the
information needed for the initial configuration of MPU955A Admin Console.
If settings need to be modified or updated in the future because of a change in
surveillance needs, or changes made in the components of the system, the worksheets can
be used to track past, current, and future configurations. The worksheets make it very
easy to do this, regardless of the size of your system.
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