List display area
Number of listed data (recording events or logs)
Total number of listed data (recording events or
logs) will be displayed. When the total number of
the listed data is more than 10 000, the ">10000"
indication will be displayed.
[All list] button
Cancels filtering and lists all recording events.
[Refresh] button
Updates the list.
[Prev page] button
Displays the previous page of the list.
[Next page] button
Displays the next page of the list.
[Time & date]
Start time of recording will be displayed.
A camera channel used for recording will be dis-
Recording mode will be displayed.
HDD (hard disk drive)
The hard disk drive number in which the corre-
sponding recorded images are stored will be dis-
Additional information will be displayed.
Audio is attached to images.
[Zoom in] button
Enlarges live or recorded images displayed in the
image display area.
Live images and recorded images will be displayed
in the size selected for the aspect ratio setting.
Refer to page 32 for further information about the
aspect ratio setting.
• The recording event list will be displayed when the
[Refresh] button is clicked or when performing the
search or the area selection. Refer to the operating
instructions (PDF) for further information about the
search and the area selection.
• The [All list] button is unavailable during playback.
Start operation after stopping the playback.
• When using many cameras, the recording event list
may not be displayed in the recording start time
order of each camera channel.
[Cam. select] button
The following operation panel will be displayed when
the [Cam. select] button is clicked.
[Multiscreen select] box
Images from up to 4 cameras can be displayed
simultaneously on a multi-screen. Each time the
button is clicked, images from the 4 cameras regis-
tered as a group in advance will be displayed on a
4-screen. (Page 51)
[Sequence] box
When this button is clicked, the camera channels
will be switched automatically and images from
them will be displayed sequentially according to the
settings configured in advance. The indicator on the
button will light (green) during sequence display.
(Page 55)
[El-zoom] box
Camera images will be displayed in the proportion
of the clicked zoom ratio button.
[Cam. select] box
When clicking "WJ-ND400", a group title (title of a
group consisted of the 4 registered cameras) will be
displayed. Refer to page 54 for further information
about the camera group settings.
When clicking the group title, a list of the cameras
consisting of the group will be displayed. Clicking
the camera title will display images from the select-
ed camera channel on a 1-screen in the image dis-
play area.
Group title
Camera title