9-2-2. Status OUTPUT
Dedicated output terminals
Alarm output
The signal is output when the robot goes into an alarm condition. (At servo power OFF)
Unless power is turned OFF, the output signal remains in ON state.
Error output
The signal is output while the robot is in an error condition.
The signal is turned OFF when the error is released.
Operating mode
The signal is output in operation mode (including override.)
While the message box to switch to teaching mode is displayed (by turning on the ‘Teaching mode’
input), if the operation mode is selected, this signal remains ON.
<Note> In case of using an operation box (E and U spec.), allocate this “Operating mode”
output to a user output and use it to connect to the operation box.
Teaching mode
The signal is output in teaching mode (excluding override.)
While the message box to switch to operation mode is displayed (by turning on the ‘Operating
mode’ input), if the teaching mode is selected, this signal remains ON.
Ready output
The signal is output when the robot is ready to receive a status input signal.
It goes OFF when the robot is in an alarm condition or when the ‘Emergency stop’ input is ON.
Servo ON output
The signal is output when the servo power is ON.
Running output
The signa is output while running a program (including override.)
It is turned OFF when the robot goes in hold or emergency stop state, and turned ON again when
the robot is re-started.
Hold status output
The signal is output when the running program is stopped in operation mode.
The signal is output while the robot is in a hold state due to an error or emergency stop input, and is
turned OFF when re-started.
The signal is turned OFF when the mode select switch is placed in ‘TEACH’ position. When the
mode select switch is placed in operation mode and the robot is ready to restart after turning on
servo power, the signal is turned ON.
9-2-3. Status I/O to be allocated to user terminals
Procedure (It is necessary for some Status I/O.)
Select the status I/O you want to
allocate to the User I/O terminal.
For T/Y specifications:
No “Operate mode output”
For Handling robots:
No “Weld off” button.