4-4. Manual operation
Operation to move the robot using the teach pendant. Data of robot movement made in manual operation won’t be
In teach mode, the maximum robot travel speed of the tool center point (at the end of the welding torch where the arc
generates) is limited to 15 m/min. (250 mm/s).
Prior to turning ON the servo power make sure that no personnel or nothing
to interfere with robot movement is present within the robot work envelope.
1. Click
motion ON
icon and turn ON the lamp on
the icon to enable manual operation of the robot.
2. While holding down a Function key of the robot
motion you want, jog the jog dial to move the
corresponding robot arm.
3. Release the Function key to stop the movement.
motion ON
Moves the
robot arm
motion OFF
Moves the
Movement of the robot control point (tool center point) is displayed as a numerical value in the upper
right corner of the window. Releasing the Function key reset the value to “0”.
The joint coordinate system is set as default coordinate system unless otherwise specified. To apply
another coordinate system, refer to section “Switch the Coordinate system”.
Jog drag or pressing
The robot moves corresponding to
the amount of the jog dial rotation.
Jog the dial a little to move the robot at a low speed and a lot to move it at a
high speed.
Moving speed at
operation is shown at right upper area of the teach
Indicator in the upper right
corner of the teach pendant
Indicator in the upper right
corner of the teach pendant
Use the R-shift key to switch the jog increment (High, Middle, Low).
Set the parameter of the amount of the robot movement. (See the advance operation manual
for detail.)