Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.
The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers refer to the
previous version.
Revision code
Revised content
August 1996
Original production
June 1997
Major revision mainly based on the addition of Slave Units (16-point Remote
Terminals, Sensor Amplifier Terminals, Remote I/O Modules), changes in indi-
cation of the number of connectable Slaves (node number indication), etc.
Pages xiii, xiv:
Precautions added.
6 Conformance to EC Directives
Page 6:
1-2-2 System Configuration
Pages 6, 8, 60:
Note 2 added.
Page 7:
Information on the new SRM1 Master Control Unit added. CQM1-
CPU41-E/42-E/43-E/44-E changed to CQM1-CPU41-EV1/42-EV1/43-EV1/44-
EV1 respectively.
Page 10:
Usable node number information added to the table.
Page 12:
Models added to the table.
Pages 16 to 21, 32, 33:
Node number information added.
Page 31:
Caution on EC Directives added.
Page 32:
Cautions added.
Pages 35 to 44:
Changes to the specifications made.
Page 52:
Remote I/O Module and Sensor Amplifier Terminal specifications
Page 66:
Table added to
C200HX, C200HG, C200HE, and C200HS Master Unit
Page 79:
Remote I/O Module and Sensor Amplifier Terminal connection infor-
mation added.
Page 101:
Models lists updated.
Communications Cable
June 1998
Pages 9, 14, 36, 39, 40, 42, 45, 47, 125:
Information on PNP-type Remote Ter-
minals added.
June 1999
Overall revision accompanying Master Unit version upgrade (supporting long-
distance communications), Slave version upgrade (supporting long-distance
communications), and the addition of Slave models (Remote Terminals, 3-tier
Terminal Blocks, Connector Terminals, Analog Terminals, CPM1A/CPM2A I/O
Link Unit).
February 2001
Overall revision based on the following changes.
Special Flat Cable for long-distance communications.
Use of 4-conductor VCTF cable.
CPM2C-S Master Unit added.
Slaves added, including 32-point Connector Terminals, Water-resistant Termi-
nals, and CPM2C I/O Link Units.
November 2001
Overall revision based on restructuring the manual and the following changes.
CJ1W-SRM21 Master Unit added supporting new functions (Slave registration
function and communications stop mode).
Slaves added, including Fiber Amplifier Communications Units and Position
Cat. No. W266-E1-09
Revision code