Chapter 5: Omnia-3am
This chapter presents important installation and operation information specific to the Omnia-3am. A block
diagram for the Omnia-3am is shown below. An Omnia-3am Parameters Worksheet is included at the end of
this chapter. Use it as a master sheet for photocopying so that the parameter settings for any custom presets can
be recorded. Presets can also be saved to your computer and printed using the Omnia-3 Remote Control
Processor Location
In most applications, installing the processor at the transmitter site provides a solid coupling between the
processor and the transmitter. Since there is nothing between the processor and the transmitter to degrade the
tightly controlled output, modulation performance will be maximized. The drawback to this setup is that the unit
is located in a remote location that is usually a very noisy environment. However, having the unit located afar is
mitigated by Omnia-3am’s remote control capability.
Processing Presets
Omnia-3am is equipped with numerous processing presets that are provided as a starting point for customizing
the sound of your station and its format. These presets are not warranted in any way as being the de facto
standard for the formats listed. Each was derived in an effort to create a generic starting point for the respective
formats. In some markets, these presets may sound too strong or aggressive. In others, they might not be
enough. Our experiences with the presets in our earlier product, the Unity, were that the presets were judged to
be about 50% good and 50% bad. That feedback indicated to us that we were probably about in the middle of
the playing field with respect to where the presets need to be to serve as a starting point for any given market.
Please rely on the presets to get yourself going. From there, we can provide assistance, if you desire, or you are
off to discover new frontiers of processed sound. It is our belief that there is not any nirvana of processed sound,
or special secret preset that we keep for only the Big Stations. Each station in each market is unique unto itself.
Try to remember that when crafting that special sonic personality for your station. Omnia-3am gives you the
power to create a sound totally different from, and better than, your competitors. Enjoy that power!
We could publish the entire preset list, but chances are that we will continue to develop new or modify existing
presets. So, a list that is guaranteed to be obsolete would be of little help. Besides, the name of each should be
self-explanatory. If you need more clarification, please contact the technical support department.
Adjustments to the processing preset parameters are covered in Chapter 7, Editing Presets.