Pompa di calore ad inverter per piscine
Mosse per preparare la pompa
di calore per l’inverno
Nei mesi estivi, quando la temperatura ambiente cala al di sotto dei 3 °C, occorre
preparare la pompa di calore per l'inverno proteggendola contro danni causati dal gelo.
Svernaggio in 4 passi
6. Maintenance and servicing
6.1 Maintenance and servicing
WARNING: Before undertaking maintenance work on the unit, ensure that you have disconnected
the electrical power supply.
The heat pump’s casing must be cleaned with a damp cloth. The use of detergents or other household
products could damage the surface of the casing and affect its properties.
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush
Annual maintenance
The following operations must be undertaken by a qualified person at least once a year.
Carry out safety checks.
Check the integrity of the electrical wiring.
Check the earthing connections.
Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant.
6.2 Winter storage
In the winter months when the ambient temperature is lower than 3°C, a shut-down heat pump must be
winterised to avoid any frost damage.
Winterising in 4 steps
If a circulating pump is servo-controlled by the heat pump, drain this also.
Passo 1:
Staccare la pompa di calore dalla rete elettrica.
6. Maintenance and servicing
6.1 Maintenance and servicing
WARNING: Before undertaking maintenance work on the unit, ensure that you have disconnected
the electrical power supply.
The heat pump’s casing must be cleaned with a damp cloth. The use of detergents or other household
products could damage the surface of the casing and affect its properties.
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush
Annual maintenance
The following operations must be undertaken by a qualified person at least once a year.
Carry out safety checks.
Check the integrity of the electrical wiring.
Check the earthing connections.
Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant.
6.2 Winter storage
In the winter months when the ambient temperature is lower than 3°C, a shut-down heat pump must be
winterised to avoid any frost damage.
Winterising in 4 steps
If a circulating pump is servo-controlled by the heat pump, drain this also.
Passo 2:
Aprire la valvola by pass. Chiudere le valvole di ingresso
e di uscita.
6. Maintenance and servicing
6.1 Maintenance and servicing
WARNING: Before undertaking maintenance work on the unit, ensure that you have disconnected
the electrical power supply.
The heat pump’s casing must be cleaned with a damp cloth. The use of detergents or other household
products could damage the surface of the casing and affect its properties.
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush
Annual maintenance
The following operations must be undertaken by a qualified person at least once a year.
Carry out safety checks.
Check the integrity of the electrical wiring.
Check the earthing connections.
Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant.
6.2 Winter storage
In the winter months when the ambient temperature is lower than 3°C, a shut-down heat pump must be
winterised to avoid any frost damage.
Winterising in 4 steps
If a circulating pump is servo-controlled by the heat pump, drain this also.
Passo 3:
Svitare il tappo di scarico e la tubazione del circuito idrico
per scaricare tutta l'acqua dalla pompa di calore.
6. Maintenance and servicing
6.1 Maintenance and servicing
WARNING: Before undertaking maintenance work on the unit, ensure that you have disconnected
the electrical power supply.
The heat pump’s casing must be cleaned with a damp cloth. The use of detergents or other household
products could damage the surface of the casing and affect its properties.
The evaporator at the rear of the heat pump must be carefully cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and soft brush
Annual maintenance
The following operations must be undertaken by a qualified person at least once a year.
Carry out safety checks.
Check the integrity of the electrical wiring.
Check the earthing connections.
Monitor the state of the pressure gauge and the presence of refrigerant.
6.2 Winter storage
In the winter months when the ambient temperature is lower than 3°C, a shut-down heat pump must be
winterised to avoid any frost damage.
Winterising in 4 steps
If a circulating pump is servo-controlled by the heat pump, drain this also.
Passo 4:
Avvitare il tappo di scarico e montare i tubi oppure chiuderli
con dei panni per impedire che corpi estranei possano en-
trare nelle tubazioni. Coprire infi ne la pompa con l’apposita
copertura invernale.
Se una pompa di ricircolo è servocomandata attraverso la pompa di
calore, occorre svuotare anche la pompa di ricircolo.