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Be aware that three timeout values for transition from one power state to another, which can be
specified on the ‘Schemes’ tab, are associated with each other (for more information, see section
‘Power States’). In addition to the fact that the ‘Never’ settings value disables the feature of saving
battery energy by decreasing the screen brightness, it also disables all the transitions to lower
power consumption states.
that this setting also affects the keypad’s backlight in the ‘On’ power state.
Related information:
Making Your Configuration Settings Permanent
’Power States
Adjusting Screen Brightness’
6.7 Setting Timeout for Automatic Screen Turning-off
The device turns off the screen after the specified periods of the ‘User Idle Timeout’ and the
‘System Idle Timeout’, if there is neither user nor user application activity during those timeout
periods. The ‘System Idle Timeout’ alone specifies the period between the reduction in the screen
brightness and the screen turning-off. Although your device may look as if it is suspended after
turning off the screen, the rest of the unit stays on.
Before you begin, open the ‘Power’ control panel applet (see section ‘Control Panel’).
To set the timeout value for the automatic screen turning off:
1. Select
‘ tab
2. Select
Power Scheme
’ to which your timeout change applies, either ‘Battery Power’ or ‘AC
Power’. That is, a source of electricity on which the device is running determines when the
setting is in use.
3. Select the ’
System Idle Timeout
’ value being appropriate for your needs
4. Press the ‘
’ key; new timeout value is set.
Be aware that three timeout values for transition from one power state to another, which can be
specified on the ‘Schemes’ tab, are associated with each other. The ‘Never’ settings value disables
the automatic screen turning-off. In addition, it disables further transitions to lower power
consumption states. (For more information, see section ‘Power States’)
that this setting also affects the keypad’s backlight in the ‘UserIdle’ power state.
Related information:
Making Your Configuration Settings Permanent
’Power States
Setting Timeout for Reduction in Screen Brightness’
6.8 Setting Timeout for Automatic Suspension
The Power Manager suspends Nordic ID Morphic after the third inactivity period has expired. In
fact, after the three inactivity timers have expired in succession. The third inactivity period is called
‘Suspend Timeout’. The other twos are ‘User Idle Timeout’ and ‘System Idle Timeout’. The
‘Suspend Timeout’ settings value determines how long the device can remain idle before the