Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Query RDES0.OWN, if it is reset, it means that descriptor has been used, and receive buffer has stored
received frame;
Process received frame data in buffer;
Set RDES0.OWN of current descriptor to receive a new frame by alternate current descriptor;
To view next descriptor in list, skip to step b.
Ethernet interrupt
Ethernet module has 2 interrupt vectors for Ethernet wake-up events (detecting remote wake-up frames or Magic
Packet wake-up frames) mapped to EXTI line 19 and Ethernet normal operation.
The interrupt vector mapped to the Ethernet wake-up event is used for the interrupt generated by PMT module during
the wake-up event. The wake-up event is a remote wake-up frame reception event or a Magic Packet wake-up frame
reception event. The wake-up event is mapped to EXTI line 19, and if the rising edge interrupt on EXTI line 19 is
enabled, the wake-up event can cause MCU to exit low-power mode. If PMT interrupt is also enabled, both the EXTI
line 19 interrupt and the Ethernet interrupt are triggered.
Note: Since PMT register is located in Rx_CLK domain, there may be a delay caused by the difference between the
HCLK and Rx_CLK clock frequencies from the time the application reads PMT register until these flags are cleared.
To avoid entering the same interrupt twice, it is strongly recommended that the application program Wait for
and then exit the interrupt service routine.
Interrupt vectors mapped to normal Ethernet operation are used for interrupts generated by MAC and Ethernet DMA,
as described below.
MAC interrupts
MAC controller has multiple interrupt trigger sources. ETH_MACINTSTS register describes all types of MAC
interrupts that can be generated, and each bit has its own interrupt mask bit to prevent an event from triggering an
interrupt. As long as one of MAC interrupts occurs, MAC interrupt signal will be generated.
Ethernet DMA interrupts
DMA controller has two types of interrupt events, normal and abnormal, and has a corresponding interrupt enable bit
to control whether an interrupt is generated. When the interrupt enable bit is cleared, or all interrupt events are cleared,
the corresponding interrupt summary bit is also cleared. When both normal class and exception class interrupts are
cleared, DMA interrupts are also cleared.
ETH register
The registers of this peripheral can be accessed in the form of bytes (8 bits), halfwords (16 bits) and words (32 bits).