Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
C interface
I2C(Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus is a widely used bus structure, it has only two bidirectional lines, namely data bus
SDA and clock bus SCL. All devices compatible with I2C bus can communicate directly with each other through I2C
bus with these two lines.
I2C interface connects microcontroller and serial I2C bus, and can be used for communication between MCU and
external I2C devices. It supports standard speed mode and fast mode, it supports CRC calculation and verification,
SMBus (System Management Bus) and PMBus (Power Management Bus), it also provides multi-master function to
control all I2C bus specific timing, protocol, arbitration. I2C interface module also supports DMA mode, which can
effectively reduce the CPU overload.
Main features
Same interface can have both master function and slave function
Parallel-bus to I
C protocol converter
Supports 7-bit/10-bit address mode and broadcast addressing
As I
C master, it can generate clock, start and stop signal
As I
C slave, it supports address detection, stop bit detection function
Support standard speed mode(up to 100 kHz) ,fast mode(up to 400kHz) and fast plus mode(up to 1MHz)
Support interrupt vector, byte transfer successfully interrupt and error event interrupt
Optional clock extending function
Support DMA mode
Optional PEC (Packet Error Check) generation and verification
Compatible with SMBus 2.0 and PMBus
Note: not all of the above features are included in all products. Please refer to the relevant data manual to confirm
the I
C functions supported by the product.
Function description
I2C interface is connected to I2C bus through data pin (SDA) and clock pin (SCL) to communicate with external
devices. It can be connected to standard (up to 100kHz) or fast (up to 400kHz) I2C bus. I2C module converts data
from serial to parallel when receiving, and converts data from parallel to serial when sending. It support interrupt
mode, users can enable or disable interrupt according to their needs.
SDA and SCL line control
I2C module has two interface lines: serial data line (SDA) and serial clock line (SCL). Devices connected to the bus