Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Bit field
1: Acknowledge failed.
Arbitration lost (master mode)
Writing ‘0’ to this bit by software can clear it, or it is cleared by hardware when
0: No arbitration lost;
1: Arbitration lost.
When the interface loses control of the bus to another host, the hardware will set this bit to '1',
and the I2C interface will automatically switch back to slave mode (I2C_STS2.MSMODE=0).
Note: In SMBUS mode, the arbitration of data in slave mode only occurs in the data stage or the
acknowledge transfer interval (excluding the address acknowledge).
Bus error
Writing ‘0’ to this bit by software can clear it, or it is cleared by hardware when
0: No start or stop condition error
1: Start or stop condition error
Data register empty (transmitters)
Writing data to DAT register by software can clear this bit; Or after a start or stop condition
occurs, or automatically cleared by hardware when I2C_CTRL1.EN=0.
0: Data register is not empty;
1: Data register is empty.
When sending data, this bit is set to' 1' when the data register is empty, and it is not set at the
address sending stage.
If a NACK is received, or the next byte to be sent is PEC(I2C_CTRL1.PEC=1), this bit will not
be set.
Note: After the first data to be sent is written, or data is written when BSF is set, the TXDATE bit
cannot be cleared, because the data register is still empty.
Data register not empty(receivers)
This bit is cleared by software reading and writing to the data register, or cleared by hardware
when I2C_CTRL1.EN=0.
0: Data register is empty;
1: Data register is not empty.
During receiving data, this bit is set to' 1' when the data register is not empty, and it is not set at
the address receiving stage.
RXDATNE is not set when the ARLOST event occurs.
Note: When BSF is set, the RXDATNE bit cannot be cleared when reading data, because the data
register is still full.
Reserved, the reset value must be maintained
Stop detection (slave mode)
After the software reads the STS1 register, the operation of writing to the CTRL1 register will
clear this bit, or when I2C_CTRL1.EN=0, the hardware will clear this bit.
0: No stop condition is detected;
1: Stop condition is detected.