Important Information
UD-series Screw Compressors
prohibited. The sole purpose of the tag plates such as prohibition of operation or commissioning is to
warn others that it is prohibited to operate the locked out product. It should always be accompanied by
a suitable lockout device to make operation impossible.
Observe the following precautions when performing maintenance work on electrical control.
Electrical maintenance of the product must be performed by certified/qualified personnel and
only those who have been trained in the potential danger and its avoidance relevant to the
electrical control of the product.
Before servicing or inspecting the electrical equipments or devices, turn "OFF" the motor main
power and control power, and perform lockout/tagout to prevent the power from being turned
on during work.
During maintenance work, make sure that the power supply on the power source side is shut off and
perform lockout/tagout to prevent the product from being accidentally turned on.
About this Manual
This product may be modified without prior notice. Therefore, the appearance of actual
machine may differ from the descriptions in this manual. If you have any questions contact
your sales offices or service centers. For each sight of MAYEKAWA, refer to following URL.
This manual is in English. If any other language is required it is the customers responsibility to
prepare a manual for safety education and operation instructions.
This manual is copyrighted. Drawings and technical references including this manual shall not,
in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, or reproduced into any electronic medium or
machine-readable form without prior permission from MAYEKAWA.
Photographs or drawings included in this manual may differ from the appearance of actual
If this manual is lost or damaged, immediately place a purchase order to your local sales office
or service center for a new manual. Using the product without the manual may result in safety
In the event that this product or the compressor package is resold, don’t forget to supply this
manual together with the product.
Construction of this Manual
T i t l e o f s e c t i o n a n d
c h a p t e r
D e s c r i p t i o n d e t a i l s
Describes the outline of this manual and how to read it.
Warranty and Disclaimer
Describes clauses and coverage of warranty.
Exemption of warranty clauses is described as disclaimer.
Important Information
Describes important information related to this product and this
1. Safety
Describes safety information for the worker, safety rules for this
product, and management details regarding work safety required for
handling the product.
2. Structure and Specifications
of the Compressor
Describes the main components of this product, functional
information, specifications, and operating limits.
3. Installation
Describes installation procedure of this product.
4. Compressor and Package
Describes precautions for operating this product.