Chapter 1 Safety
UD-series Screw Compressors
1.4 Safety Devices
Sensor positions and settings
Consult the package instruction manual for the positions and sensor settings for compressor
protection. Make sure that the set values of the sensors do not exceed the operating limits
indicated in Chapter 2, section 2.3.2 and Table 2-6 in this manual.
Inspection Method/Cycle
Compressor protection sensors require activation tests and checking the set values before starting
or operating the compressor and must be periodically inspected. For inspection methods and
periods, please consult the package instruction manual.
Adjust and fine-tune the set values of all safety protection devices (controllers
and sensors) during the commissioning.
To test the functionality and operation of each safety device, use appropriate
testing tools to ensure that all alarms and switches operate normally. Do not
operate the compressor with all valves closed or in any other conditions which
will lead to dangerous situations.
It is highly recommended to investigate the cause when the safety protection
devices detect low oil pressure, abnormal high discharge pressure or high oil
filter differential pressure. The compressor should not be operated as long as the
situation has been unresolved.