Table 4-1
ADF Supported Actions
Skip ahead
Moves the cursor forward by a specified number of characters. Enter
the number of characters to move the cursor ahead.
Skip back
Moves the cursor back by a specified number of characters. Enter the
number of characters to move the cursor back.
Skip to start
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the data.
Move to
Moves the cursor forward until the specified string is found. Enter
the string in the data field.
Move past a
Moves the cursor forward past the specified string. Enter the string
in the data field.
Crunch spaces
Remove spaces between words to one and remove all spaces at the
beginning and end of the data.
Stop space crunch
Stops space crunching. This disables the last
Crunch spaces
Remove all spaces
Remove all spaces in the data.
Stop space removal
Stop removing spaces. This disables the last
Remove all spaces
Remove leading zeros
Remove all zeros at the beginning of data.
Stop zero removal
Stop removing zeros at the beginning of data. This disables the
Remove leading zeros
Pad with zeros
Left pad data with zeros to meet the specified length. Enter the number
zeros to pad.
Stop pad zeros
Stop padding with zeros. This disables the previous
Pad with zeros
Pad with spaces
Left pad data with spaces to meet the specified length. Enter the
number spaces to pad.
Stop pad spaces
Stop padding with spaces. This disables the previous
Pad with spaces
Replace string
Replaces a specified string with a new string. Enter the string to
replace and the string to replace it with.
Data Modi-
Stop all replace string
Stop all
Replace string
Send next
Sends the specified number of characters from the current cursor
position. Enter the number of characters to send.
Send remaining
Sends all data that remains from the current cursor position.
Send up to
Sends all data up to a specified string. Enter the string.
Send pause
Pauses the specified number of milliseconds before continuing the next
action. Enter the amount of time in milliseconds.
Send string
Sends a specified string. Enter the string to send.
Send char
Sends a specified ASCII/ Unicode character. Enter a character value.
The maximum Unicode character value can be entered is U-10FFFF
(= 1114111 in decimal).
MN000112A01 - September 2013