There are three options for transmitting a UPCE0 preamble:
Preamble Sys Char
- Transmit System Character only.
Preamble Country and Sys Char
- Transmit System Character and Country Code (“0” for USA).
Preamble None
- Transmit no preamble (default).
Convert UPCE0 To UPCA
- Enable to convert UPCE0 (zero suppressed) decoded data to UPC-A format
before transmission. After conversion, the data follows UPC-A format and is affected by UPC-A programming
selections. Disable to transmit UPCE0 decoded data as UPCE0 data, without conversion (default - disabled).
- Use to set decode lengths (default - 0). See
for more information.
- Use to set decode lengths (default - 55). See
for more information.
- Sets the reader to read the bar code twice before accepting data. A check in the checkbox
indicates that redundancy is enabled (default - disabled).
Enable Plain Code 128
- Flag to enable other 128 sub types (besides GS1-128 and ISBT-128).
Enable GS1-128
- Set the GS1 128 subtype. A check in the checkbox indicates that the option is enabled
(default - enabled).
Enable ISBT128
- Set the ISBT128 subtype. A check in the checkbox indicates that the option is enabled
(default - enabled).
ISBT128 Concatenation Mode
- Select an option for concatenating pairs of ISBT code types:
Concat Mode Never
- Do not concatenate pairs of ISBT codes encountered (default).
Concat Mode Always
- There must be two ISBT codes in order to decode and perform concatenation.
Does not decode single ISBT symbols.
Concat Mode Auto
- Decodes and concatenates pairs of ISBT codes immediately. If only a single
ISBT symbol is present, the device must decode the symbol the number of times set via DataWedge
Configuration 4 - 11 Redundancy - Code128 before transmitting its data to confirm that there is no
additional ISBT symbol.
Check ISBT Table
- The ISBT specification includes a table that lists several types of ISBT bar codes that
are commonly used in pairs. If ISBT128 Concat Mode is set, enable Check ISBT Table to concatenate only
those pairs found in this table. Other types of ISBT codes are not concatenated. A check in the checkbox
indicates that redundancy is enabled (default - disabled).
Security Level
- The scanner offers four levels of decode security for Code 128 bar codes. Select increasing
levels of security for decreasing levels of bar code quality. There is an inverse relationship between security
and scanner aggressiveness, so choose only that level of security necessary for any given application.
Security Level 0
- This setting allows the scanner to operate in its most aggressive state, while providing
sufficient security in decoding most “in-spec” bar codes.
Security Level 1
- This setting eliminates most misdecodes (default).
Security Level 2
- Select this option if Security level 1 fails to eliminate misdecodes.
Security Level 3
- If Security Level 2 is selected and misdecodes still occur, select this security level.
Be advised, selecting this option is an extreme measure against mis-decoding severely out of spec bar
codes. Selecting this level of security significantly impairs the decoding ability of the scanner. If this
level of security is needed, try to improve the quality of the bar codes.
- Use to set decode lengths (default - 0). See
for more information.
- Use to set decode lengths 4 (default - 55). See
for more information.
MN000112A01 - September 2013